He's odd and he loves bacon.

Below is a list of my brother's most absurd Facebook posts.
He makes me laugh. I thought he might make you laugh, too.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010



Tuesday, June 29, 2010

29Jun/10 with guests

Jason says: Schroedinger had a mild displeasure for cats.

Wonko says: More like a psychotic cat poisoner, disguised as a scientist!

Yasher says: It was very clearly a theoretical experiment. There is no way Schrodinger got a cat to stay in a box for two minutes, much less conducted any sound experiments on the cat and it's state inside the box. PS: You spelled his name wrong. You simp.

Jason says: DID I spell it wrong? Perhaps it's spelt correctly in another dimension which would make YOUR spelling wrong! Hahaha! PS: Can I borrow your cat?

Yasher says: You can have them both. The cats, I mean. You only had one extra e, but you can keep that too. I'm sure Shrodinger would have liked that.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The more I get into quantum theory, I find the need for long integral equations starts to, I don't know, disappear. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that tons of stuff can be done solely by just knowing that eigenstats are orthogonal AND by asserting that they have been normalized. I'd type out some of Diracs simplified notation but I think I'll get another beer instead.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Jason uses his super-computer mind and still comes up with the same sh!t to type on his facebook status.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Jason thinks consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Jason is a singularity.


Jason is out of beer. So I win, 12 - 0.


Jason, if translated could be made into at least two books.


Jason weee!


Jason is a huge amount of explanation. I just IS.


Jason has a footprint that catches spirits. A mystical representitive that appears in rituals and symbols. None of which was made in his own brain cloud. Only other peoples, and crazy sh!t like that.


Jason didn't invent any complex systems of consciousness or thought. No secrets here b!tches.


Jason may slip on the sidewalk. But the general public knows nothing of science. So in a way, it's like nothing even happened.


Jason will never offer proof of his actual powers.


Jason will never have nothing stupid to say.


Jason believes that he is an exerpt speller.


Jason sees the wild dogs. They are among the rarest but most efficient. Teamwork. Their strategy. Target. They seem to form around their pray. Moving in total silence they take their position.


Jason continues to type interesting things. This is a lush keyboard of change and apprehensive swiming monkeys.

...and not just like 2 or 3 monkeys. Like a whole bunch.


Jason will never fly. Not like those birds and all those wings and stuff. It's probably due to not having feathers.


Jason travels with the catfish and the birds in the mist. It's a seasonal thing.


Jason knows what the prime directive is but is always at odds because lets face it, we all know how tasty aliens are.


Jason has never been good at searching desperatly for water. I've never had to journey for it, like the buffalo. Never seen a dust storm or been seperated from my calf. I am a sanctuary of the main heard. What?


Jason carries water then condences it into clouds and produces monsoons. Of course, I need the suns help.


Jason is at one with the giant sharks and whales. His brain migrates with them, to the south.


Jason sees the awsomeness of surprise. The chase. The whale and a sea lion between its teeth.


Jason is humbled by the suns influence on the oceans. Jason believes that our amazing planet is richest within its waves and the big fat whales that strike the surf.


Jason soaks up most of the forests plants and animals.


Jason is riddled by the suns color on the landscape. The Earth continues to spin.


Jason wrestles a giant cheese.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Jason is thinking of typing something that doesn't sound stupid. Dang.


Jason fight the chowder.