He's odd and he loves bacon.

Below is a list of my brother's most absurd Facebook posts.
He makes me laugh. I thought he might make you laugh, too.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The wonders of bacon


Neil says: if bacon were to go out with friends on the town and get all drunk ,one of them would wake-up with a tatoo of you on their back


Jason says: Insert the bacon inside you.

Keith says: *something rude that has been edited out*

Jason says: If I could sh!t bacon would you still invite me over for breakfast?

Keith says: would i?

Neil says: peg leg


Jason says: Grab life by the bacon.

Yasher says: And then what?

Jason says: Dance?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Instructions -
Eat bacon.
Repeat as necessary.

Friday, February 17, 2012


I eat your bacon. I eat it up!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


My name is Jason and I'm a bacon man.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


If I had to give bacon a second name, it would be bacon. Because I think who ever named it first did a pretty good job already and why mess with a good thing.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Jason says: There is no bacon on the moon.

Yasher says: Prove it.

Jason changes profile picture to:

Yasher says: This is not enough proof. Prove it to me on a cellular level.

Aunt Sharon says: I'm not going then

La B says: I think *everybody* knows the bacon is well hidden.

Yasher says: It's not well hidden. There is no bacon on the moon. It's a baconless environment.

Wonko says: Don't they sell it in the kiosks? *tut*

Yasher says: There are no kiosks on the moon. It's a featureless environment. (My apologies to Jason as Wonko and I have gone a bit 'The Mighty Boosh' in this thread.)

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Jason says: When the religions finally decide it's ok to eat bacon, there will be world peace.

Yasher says: World pieces... of bacon!

Keith says: until then i will kill for my bacon,, so let it be writtten so let it be done

Friday, February 10, 2012


Jason says: ZZ Top party in the man cave! Well, it's just me. Is that still a party?

Stu says: Growing your beard again Jason?

Jason says: My beard is bacon

Stu says: Baconator!

Keith says: you naked then its a party

Jason says: I can't find my pants

Stu says: Jasson!

Shawn says: That's a little too much info!! Lol

Jason says: I found Shawns pants!

Shawn says: DOH!!! I was looking for those!! Lol

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Jason says: Bacon origami?

Yasher says: The deliciousness is in the folds!

Yasher says: Why did that sound rude?

Jason says: It's only rude if it's pirate origami.